Monday, January 17, 2011

what i found n want in him.....

jeng... jeng2......
this entry jz 4 fun...
sb borink xtaw nk wat pe...

let see ape ada dalam dri MR.Az4

  • nice looking
  • Opens car doors, holds chairs (keh2.... sj jew... i x hrp pn...)
  • Has enough money for a nice dinner
  • Listens more than talk
  • Laughs at my jokes
  • Carries bags of groceries with ease
  • Appreciates a good home-cooked meal
  • Remembers birthdays and anniversaries
  • Seeks romance at least once a week
  • Wears a shirt that covers his stomach (hehe jgn mrh)
  • Remembers that it's the weekend
  • Charming
  • A caring listener
  • Witty
  • Full of thoughtful surprises
  • An imaginative, romantic lover

Reasons i love him...
He is so sweet to me, he is cute and I am attracted to him.
He is willing to try new things. He thinks about things.
He has passions.
he always to think the he should be, and how we are supposed to live.