Thursday, February 16, 2012

kmbali ke kolej... huh....

heeeee... yg plg xbpe nk ska is stay kt kolej, thinking about my FYP.... aiyoooo.... but the most i like is haha mr.az4 is owez by my side... ngeh2.... like sgt2.... skgr nih kna saving abis2an ler aku... 4 my E-day n Reception also.... waaaa.....

talking about my E-day...
dok rso nih, wht happen to my dress, siap dh ke blum, tp yg plg aku rso, bab tudung nih... xtw nk pk dh nk pkai tdg cmne, klu aku pkai tdg xpress mau jd mka pe td, yg plg sesuai ngn aku is shawl jew, tp shawl yg aku nk, sume nyew xda, huhuhuhu....
nk cari jgk2... smpai dpt urmmm grm.......

ape2 pn, be cool... everything gonna be orite... he3....
will be continued.......